“Tajuu-Kagebunshin-no-Jutsu” – Multiple Shadows Alter Ego in NARUTO

tajuukagebunshinnojutsuI wrote ‘Tajuu-Kagebunshin-no-Jutsu’. It means ‘Multiple Shadows Alter Ego’ in NARUTO.

  1. “Ta” means
  2. “Juu” means
  3. “Kage” means shadow
  4. “Bun” means divide
  5. “Shin” means the body
  6. “No” means of, -’s, and so on
  7. “Jutsu” means means art or technique

Naruto Uzumaki, Kakashi Hatake  can use this technique.

However, this technique called ‘Kunjutsu‘ and use is prohibited.

But Naruto Uzumaki uses this technique quite often.

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